All students at GRANGER JUNIOR HIGH are members of the Associate Student Body (ASB) .Cabinet Officers are elected and several Commissioners are appointed in May to act as the Executive Council of the ASB for the next school year. These students handle the day-to-day decisions regarding the Student Store, lunch activities, spirit days, dances and other ongoing activities.
Get the latest on ASB sponsored events and other Granger School News. Click on the link below:
The Student Store
The Student Store is only open during nutrition break, lunch and after school. They sell snacks, drinks and school supplies such as locks, ATHLETIC Clothes and other GRIFFIN gear. Mr. Garcia, the ASB Advisor and the Executive Council completely run and operate the store for the benefit of the students.
ASB Store Hours
Monday through Friday 8:30-3:30
ASB Order Form click here
*Cash only please
**ASB Store is open all year long
Anthony Garcia~ ASB Advisor