The expectation at Granger Junior High is that all students attend school daily and arrive to school on time. Arrive no later than 8:00am. This will provide time to be in your seat when the bell rings at 8:15am.
School Attendance Policy
Irregular attendance (more than 1 absence per month) has become recognized by all the systems that treat children as a major indicator of risk. Studies show that students with attendance irregularity and/or truancies are more likely to: DROP OUT OF SCHOOL, smoke cigarettes, engage in drug/alcohol use, participate in criminal activity and/or acquire habits which may lead to frequent job changes/difficulty keeping employment as adults.
Granger Jr. High School is very aware of the importance of student school attendance as it relates to social and academic achievement. We believe that achievement in school is the key to future success in life. It is with this goal of academic achievement and future success in mind, that we require ALL students at Granger Jr. High School to attend school each and every day:
There is no grace period at Granger Jr. High School. In the past students and parents have expressed their belief that they can miss up ten days of school each year without consequences; this is not the case. Students with irregular attendance will be required to attend Saturday School in order to clear absences. The Granger Attendance Policy includes the following rules and guidelines:
- A phone call on the day of the absence, for each and every absence, is required: (619) 472-3006.
- Photo identification is required to release any student. Early release slips cannot be issued after 2:39PM.
- Saturday School will be recommended to clear ALL absences.
- Attendance Interventions include: Student conferences, Parent/Student conference, Attendance Contracts, SUHSD Probation Officer Referral, PM O-Room, Referred to Student Study Team, Pre-SARBED, SARBED, Change School Placement, Court Referral.
- Truant students will be automatically assigned MANDATORY O-Room and Saturday School.
- Doctor’s notes may be required for ALL DAY ABSENCES AND/OR OFF CAMPUS.
Updated Administrative Regulation 5113 Absences and Excuses
Updated Administrative Regulation 5113 Absences and Excuses states that parents have 30 school days to excuse an absence. Absences remaining unverified 30 days after the student’s return to school will be considered truant or unexcused. Click on link to the revised AR.
Procedures for Clearing Absence
- Upon the student’s return from an absence; he/she must bring a note/Blue Slip (Form No. 7204-80) to Attendance Office before attending class.
- Students who need to leave early for a medical or dental appointment should bring a note to the Attendance Office before school begins. We highly encourage parents to schedule appointments during intersession, minimum days or after school. Doctor notes are required by the attendance office.
- Any student bringing a forged or altered note/Blue Slip may be given Saturday School and/or lunch detention. Parents will be notified.
Extended Absences
If a student is out for an extended illness, parents should call the Attendance Office at (619) 472-3006 to arrange for assigned work. If the student will be gone from school, five or more days, his/her parent must contact the school and the student must follow the Independent Studies Plan as developed by the Attendance Office. A minimum of five school days prior to a planned extended absence is needed for the Independent Studies Plan.
Students are expected to arrive on time to each class. Failure to do so will result in a Tardy and the student may be assigned to Lunch Detention or Saturday School.
Tardy Sweeps
The school will periodically conduct tardy sweeps. If a student is late, he/she may be assigned one of the following: Saturday School or Lunch Detention.
Truant students will be required to attend a parent/student conference (also referred to as a pre-sarb intervention), placed on a behavior 8 contract, and/or assigned Saturday School. Failure to attend the aforementioned meetings and/or comply with the assigned consequence and/or the behavior contract will result in suspension and/or change of school placement (transferred to another school).