From Skate Club to Ballet Folklorico, we have clubs for everyone. Click here to learn more about our clubs!
Join Griffin Zone to participate in a club. Stop by 902 during lunch for an application.
Granger 7-8th grade teams include Volleyball, Football, Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Cheer, Basketball, and Track & Field.
Join Griffin Zone to participate. Stop by 902 during lunch for an application.
Need Help?
We understand that junior high and being a teenager is challenging. Balancing school, expectations, and friendships is difficult. And there is no class that teaches how to navigate all of this.
We are here to help. We may not be able to solve everything but each of us is here to help you be your absolute best.
Need help with friendship problems? Come by the office and speak to a counselor or AP. We’re here to help.
Need help with a mediation? Come by the office and speak to a counselor or AP. We can help you avoid problems without getting anyone into trouble.
Community Partners

- OPSAM HEALTH – This on campus health clinic provides primary care, dental, behavioral health, family planning, integrative health and wellness, healthy eating, civic engagement, and other health related services to the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved families of all income levels regardless of their ability to pay.